Believers Faith Hostels CIC Ltd

“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honour…”

Psalm 113:7-8

What We Do

Believers Faith Hostels CIC Ltd is dedicated to supporting vulnerable individuals in the community by providing temporary accommodation for the homeless, telephone support services, and skill-enhancing projects that empower them for a better future.
While we are in the process of securing a dedicated property for our hostel, we currently assist individuals by connecting them with places where they can receive the support they need. Once our facility is fully operational, we will expand our services to offer a safe and structured environment, ensuring that those in need have the resources and guidance necessary to rebuild their lives.
Our mission is to create opportunities for stability, personal growth, and independence, equipping individuals with the skills and confidence to move forward with renewed hope.
Believers Faith Hostels CIC Ltd is a community interest company founded to empower individuals through education, skills development, and personal growth. With a focus on supporting vulnerable populations, the organization provides innovative training programmes, including vocational skills to help women and men build confidence, develop careers, and integrate successfully into the community.

Our Mission

Additionally, we offer support services to anyone in need. You’re welcome to attend our drop-in sessions, where we offer advice, guidance, and assistance with CV writing, job searches, access to clothing, classes, and much more.

Become a Sponsor. Get Involved.

At Believers Faith Hostels Ltd, we believe that everyone has the power to make a difference. By sponsoring, you can help support vulnerable individuals in need of stable accommodation and a fresh start.

How You Can Get Involved

Call 07565147255 to Donate Or Contact Us to get Involved

Charity Fund

You can support with volunteering, services and donations.

We appreciate your help.



Mental health



Saving Lives & Helping People Since 2004